Quotation Announcement
Natural Resource Conflict Transformation Center-Nepal is going to organize a practice sharing workshop in Kathmandu valley from 27-29 March, 2021. Therefore, to conduct the workshop, interested service providers (Hotels, Training Centers, Banquets etc) are encouraged to submit quotations as mentioned below.
- There will be 56 participants in the workshop
- The workshop will be three days long starting from March 27 to 29, 2021. Participants will arrive at the program venue on 26th March evening.
- The service providers have to submit quotations based on per pax basis. The cost estimations will be on Training hall, Breakfast, Teak cookies, Non-veg Lunch, Snacks, drinking water, Veg dinner, and accommodation on sharing basis.
- Vendors selection will be based on quality service providers at competitive price. VAT registered service providers are put on priority list during the selection process.
Interested service providers will submit the quotations in the office either via email (info@nrctc.org.np) or directly to organization's central office Kausaltar, Bhatapur between 17-23 March 2021.